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 Excellence!  Professionalism!  Quality Craftsmanship!

 Fully Licensed,  Bonded  & Insured

 Kitchen  &  Bathroom  Remodeling  Company
                   Tile Installation Company 

 You deserve a home that you love. It's time to start that project you've been thinking of for years. Whether you want completely transform your home or simply revitalize your kitchen or bathroom, there's only on name to call: Juravle Tile & Remodeling. Our construction and remodeling professionals in Sacramento Area, will treat your home like there own by paying meticulous attention to quality and detail-every corner and edge will be perfect. 

  Providing top-notch service in the core of our business. We want to come home to a house that you're proud of and comfortable in. We aim to create your dream home step by step. Contact us today to get started. 


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